1992-93: Livermore Energy Labs developer Paul Hoehler discovers containment field ("bobble")
1997: Peace Authority (PA) seizes
power after instigating limited nuclear war between U.S. and Soviet Union
1997-2010: War viruses and genetic
plagues kill 5.5 billion worldwide
2015: Huachuca war plague, released
by surviving remnant of U.S. government, kills 100 million of remaining 500
million humans
2020s: PA discontinues radar watch
for illegal aerospace craft
2038: Middle California Tinkers
agree to hide their best new electronics gear to avoid PA detection
2040s: PA embobbles Yakima after
discovering DNA recombination analyzer
2047-48: Bobble War; fall of Peace
2050s: Longevity breakthrough
2080s: Water War between New Mexico
and Aztlan (over Colorado River, presumably)
2090s: Disgovernance of Aztlan; New
Mexicans invade Kansas
2097: Republic of NM renounces tax
authority and effectively disgoverns
2100: W.W. Brierson shanghaied;
family bobbles gifts in 2140 and 2180
2101: Livermore returns to realtime
2150s: Della Lu and Miguel Rosas
explore outer Solar System
2160: "Philippe Genet"
becomes construction contractor
2190s: Miguel Rosas dies on Dark
Companion expedition
2195: Monica Raines enters stasis
2197: Mudge leaves systems
programming and becomes chiliast
2200: Jason Mudge and Juan Chanson
enter stasis
2201: Korolevs and Genet enter
2202: Della Lu departs for
Gatewood's Star (Lalande 21185)
2207: Tunc Blumenthal's company
opens antimatter distillery in southern solar hemisphere, begins plans to turn
Dark Companion into Tipler Cylinder*
2209: Blumenthal attends marketing
conference on Moon; can't understand discussions but thinks Stellation, Inc.
has lost interest in Dark Companion project
2210: Tunc Blumenthal enters stasis,
crashes into sun
2230: Juan Chanson claims Norcross
graffiti were composed this year
2295: Mudge out of stasis; notes he
is past Singularity
2465: Rohan and Dilip Dasgupta leave
3400: Lu returns from Gatewood's Star; finds evidence of nuclear war
10,000: Korolevs move Dasguptas and
others to Canada
32,000: W.W. Sanchez and Korolevs
rescue T. Blumenthal
62,000: Blumenthal re-enters
MY 20: Grave robbers wiped out by
Korolevs and others
MY 30: W.W. Sanchez founds dropout
MY 49.5: Dragon birds evolve
MY 50: Rescue of Peace Authority
bobble in Cambodia. Della Lu returns
from interstellar expedition
MY 50 + 2 years: Marta Korolev
reaches Peacer bobble
MY 50 + 40 years: Marta Korolev dies
MY 50.050: Peacers leave stasis and
found own town. Brierson
investigation. Peacer-NM-High tech war.
MY 50.060: Juan Chanson dies; Earth in ice age
MY 50.1: Della Lu returns after
defeating Gerrault
(Links added 21 Aug. 2015.)
* A Tipler Cylinder is a very long, rapidly-rotating tube which transects the space-time geodesics ("light cones") of one or more stars. The cylinder's mass and velocity bend those geodesics into timelike curves, allowing a traveler to move backwards in time along them.
(Links added 21 Aug. 2015.)
* A Tipler Cylinder is a very long, rapidly-rotating tube which transects the space-time geodesics ("light cones") of one or more stars. The cylinder's mass and velocity bend those geodesics into timelike curves, allowing a traveler to move backwards in time along them.